Can A General Dentist Repair A Dental Implant Restoration?

Dental Implant Restoration Knoxville, TN

Many general dentists offer patients dental implant restoration as a way to treat tooth loss. They can also repair the dental implant restoration if anything happens, or they may recommend the patient to an oral surgeon for the most effective treatment if severe concerns develop. 

A review of repairing a dental implant restoration

It is beneficial to understand what options you have if anything goes wrong with your dental implant restoration. The following is a detailed review of how a general dentist can repair a dental implant restoration, including insights into what the treatment success rate is, what risks there are and how to reduce the risk of concerns developing. 

The success rate of dental implant restorations

The success rate of dental implant restorations depends on the dentist you visit, and many have success rates as high as 98 percent. In other words, severe issues are relatively rare among patients who choose a dental implant restoration. However, every once in a while something may go wrong (see below), and the dentist or oral surgeon may need to treat the issue. Perhaps most notably, a dental implant restoration may fail if the implant does not properly fuse together with the jawbone, either due to issues with the implant or a lack of bone density in the jaw. 

The risks of a dental implant restoration

The most notable risk of dental implant restoration is implant failure. This refers to an implant that has failed to fuse together with the jawbone. Another concern is an oral infection, which is typically a higher concern after the completion of the implant placement procedure. Long-term there is a low risk of damage to the replacement teeth if the patient cares for them properly. This should involve brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist regularly. However, the restoration may damage if periodontal health declines, as a result of teeth grinding or if the patient experiences a blow to the face. 

How a general dentist can repair a dental implant restoration

If a dental implant failure occurs, then the dentist may need to remove the implant. A bone grafting procedure may be necessary before replacing the implant, depending on the cause of implant failure. If the patient has an oral infection develop after the placement procedure, then the dentist can treat the concern with a dental cleaning and mouthwash, or they may use antibiotics for more severe concerns. The dentist can repair damage by fixing cracks and chips to the restoration or replacing it. Of course, the best way to deal with concerns is to prevent them from developing by following the advice of the general dentist closely. 

Contact us by phone or email to begin treatment

You can learn more about a dental implant restoration and how they can be repaired when necessary by scheduling a visit with our general dentist team. We are glad to answer your questions and ensure you get the treatment you need for your dental implant restoration.

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